More About India

India offers myriad flavours mingling in the steam of a country coming of age.

Teeming with over a billion individuals who voice over a million concerns in fifteen hundred different languages, India is where people live with variety, prosper on diversity and are familiar with largeness to let it boggle them.

Travellers and tourists to India may however not find it so undaunting. Mud huts and mansions face off across city streets and lurid luxury and limp living are inhabitants of the same lane. like in the masala box in every Indian kitchen, measures of Calm and "Kaam" (work)craft the people of India. In this beautiful and bountiful land that is India, events, experiences and sensations heap themselves on the tourist at every step. India will be of the most stimulating places you�ll ever visit, so you must visit.

Come savour the flavours of India - the spice in life beckons!

The game of chess was invented in India. India as a country has the largest number of post offices in the world! The Indian Railways is the single largest employer in the world - one.6 million employees at the last count.
Historicallyin the past Speaking
Indian history can be roughly divided in to the 6 periods of Ancient India, Medieval India, the years of the Company, colonial times as part of The Raj, the struggle for Independence and finally, post-Independence. India, the geopolitical entity as they stands today is a post-Independence phenomenon. It was as recently as "the stroke of the midnight hour" on 15th August 1947 when Nehru pronounced her "tryst with destiny" that India woke "to life and freedom".

of man�s oldest civilizations was the settlement at the Indus Valley. The degree of sophistication that archaeologists present in their settlements belies the fact that these people lived 4000 years ago. The civilization had meticulously planned cities; streets met at right angles, the sewage technique puts present day India to disgrace, and the tools and huge granaries show that they knew over a thing or about agriculture. Seals of the Indus Valley have on them the only ancient script that is yet to be deciphered. The most important Indus Valley cities of Harappa and Mohenjodaro are in present day Pakistan.

Some fascinating facts about India you most likely didnt know:

The following millennium saw the waxing and waning of empires. In the north the great dynasties were those of the Mauryas (300-200 BC) in the coursework of which period Buddhism received royal patronage, and the Guptas in the coursework of whose reign the subcontinent is said to have enjoyed a "golden period" (300-500 AD). The intervening period had new settlers like the Shakas and Kushanas forming lesser kingdoms in the area around the Ganges. The influence of these Aryan kingdoms never reached the south. Regional dynasties like the Andhras, Cheras, Pandyas and Cholas ruled kingdoms in the south of the Deccan Plateau and lower down the peninsula. When unable to resist the pressures of central Asian invaders the Gupta Empire crumbled, the north got divided in to strong regional kingdoms (except for a brief period from 606 to 647 under the poet king Harshavardhan). This was the time that the Rajputs grew to prominence in the west.

The civilization died out
in the 1500 BC. The reasons are a still a matter of contention and they range from the approaching of the central Asian Aryan tribes to the changing of the coursework of the Indus River. While both these are true, it�s difficult to ascertain that these are what brought the finish of the Dravidian civilization in the Indus valley. By 300 BC the historicallyin the past wandering Aryans had settled down in the region of north India. They had brought with them Sanskrit, a member of the Indo-European relatives of languages akin to Latin and Greek. They also brought the spoken literature of the Hindu life-philosophy, horse-driven chariots and a social technique of caste differentiation.

Within 300 years of being founded in the 7th century, Islam had reached the western parts. But it wasn�t until the approaching of Turkish-Afghan raiders like Mahmud of Ghazni (997 to 1030 AD) and Muhammad Ghauri (in 1192) that Islam made significant inroads to the heart of north India. The first Muslim empire was set up by a general of Ghauri�s, Qutb-ud-din Aibak, which is when the Delhi Sultanate came in to being. The temptation of privileges extended to the faithful, and Hinduism�s own extreme caste technique made lots of convert.

The Delhi Sultanate was ridden with internal strife and saw no less than two dynasties come to power between 1206 and 1526. In 1526 a young Central Asian warlord who had already captured Kabul, set his eyes on the huge land that lay to the south. Tales of riches had reached his ears and Babur, descendent of Genghis Khan and Timurlane made lovely his ancestral legacy by defeating the Sultanate�s armies in the Battle of Panipat.

In a land of oppressive heat, and such a variety of people that they could not very make sense of it, Babur founded the Mughal dynasty. Babur began the work of bringing the delicate patterns of Islamic art, the detailed craft of miniature painting, the extreme symmetry of formal garden craft to Delhi. Till Aurangzeb, the 6th king of the dynasty, the Mughals had a liberal owner of religious tolerance and that helped them weave together a largely stable and tight knit kingdom that spanned a bigger territory than any historicallyin the past had. It was a time of plenty and emperors like Jehangir (1605-1627) and Shah Jehan (1628-1657) could focus their attentions on art, architecture and culture. It was the time when the Taj Mahal was built, as was the Red Fort, and the coffers contained the Koh-i-Noor and the ruby and emerald studded Peacock Throne. Aurangzeb�s religious zeal won him widespread resentment. The Mughal Empire began unravelling, unable to resist the Maratha chieftain Shivaji�s guerrilla warfare. The last effective Mughal king was Bahadur Shah (1707-1712). After him Mughal power and status declined steadily.

The first British East India Company officials landed in India in 1602. Finally their interests ceased to be purely mercantile as they assumed more political roles. After the Revolt of 1857, the Crown took over the reigns and India officially came to be a part of the huge British Empire. The Raj settled in to ruling this huge dominion and did so till in 1947 when the country was handed back to the leaders of the freedom movement. Gandhi and Nehru led the largely non-violent movement from the front with the backing of Congress and the whole nation. However, partly because of the British �divide-and-rule� owner and internal contradictions in the national movement itself, a communal divide came to be. When India finally achieved freedom, it was combined with the trauma of partition and the formation of Pakistan.

The 7th largest country in the world, it covers a total area of two,287,590 sq km in area. It lies in south Asia jutting in to the Indian Ocean in its south, undulating over the frozen wasteland of the Himalayas in the north, braving drought in its desert-like west and surviving fierce floods in its east. A substantial portion of northern India is the fertile plain where the great Gangetic riverine technique irrigates huge expanses of the land bringing agrarian well being. The Deccan Plateau in Central India is rich in minerals. The Western and Eastern Ghats fringe the southern peninsula and are the setting for coffee, tea, cashew plantations, the Nilgiri langur and gaur, and the silversmith Toda tribal.

Nehru became the first Prime Minister of India on 15th August 1947 at the head of a Congress government. The Congress hegemony ended in the late 60s, but it came to power intermittently through the 70s and 80s. The Nehru legacy was strong to make both his daughter Indira (who declared the infamous internal Emergency), and grandson Rajiv, Prime Minister. In the 90s the period of coalition politics had begun and democracy had come of age.
From the highest point of the Kanchenjunga peak at 8598 meters to the lowest point at 0 meters at the Indian Ocean, India is the land that spells variety.

In the north-west, Pakistan borders India, and to the east lie China, Nepal, Burma, Bhutan and Bangladesh. To the south lies the teardrop formed island nation of Sri Lanka. Beyond the peninsula the waters of the Bay of Bengal in the east, the Arabian Sea in the
west and the Indian Ocean at the south wet the shores of India�s 7000 km long shoreline. Great vanquishing rivers are worshipped. The Narmada, Godavari, Krishna, Cauveri, the Brahmaputra, Ganga and Yamuna criss-cross the terrain bringing prosperity and fertility and often wreaking havoc in water. They inspire songs and they bring misery; increasingly they are bringing hydroelectric power to millions across the country.

The Tropic of Cancer splits India in half. Sub tropical jungles house the Royal Bengal tiger, multiple species of deer and antelope, the Asian elephant, the Common, Golden and Nilgiri langurs, the horned rhino in the forests of Assam, prides of Asiatic lions in the dry wilds of Sasan Gir in the west. And there is much more: river dolphins in the Ganges and Brahmaputra, crocodiles, waters that are teeming with mahseer, trout, carp, fresh-water prawns, woods with fishing cat, civets, leopard, the cobra, krait and python, the grey mongoose, the gaur, the sloth bear.

Common flowers include roses, bougainvilleas, sunny marigold, water lilies, lotus and aromatic jasmine. In the breathtaking Valley of Flowers a sea of lilies, poppy, daisies, holly, pansy, geranium, zinnia, petunia, fox, caryopsis dianthus, saxifrage and calendula stretches out in the shadow of towering snowbound Himalayan peaks.

There's over 1200 bird species including the Great Indian Bustard, Malabar hornbill, cormorants, egrets, Paradise Flycatcher, darters and migratory Siberian cranes in the winter. India's jungles, rivers, streams are basically bursting with wildlife, much of it protected in her 80 National Parks and 441 Sanctuaries. Camels in the deserts of Rajasthan, stoic yaks, sure-footed Himalayan Tahr and mountain goats in the north extend the scope beyond that which is typical to Asian sub tropical forests of sal, shisham and teak. There's mangrove forests in the east and evergreen conifers in the upper climes of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.